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Thinking Like a Carpenter

Carpenters are professional problem-solvers and Innovators.  In this hands-on learning adventure you will also get a chance to Think Like a  Carpenter.

Students will do the following:

• Learn different tools and techniques carpenters use for the job.
• Go on a scavenger hunt at your local lumber store and visit a real construction site.
• Meet a real building inspector, learn some basics about building codes and construction drawings.
• Create a basic cost estimate and even do some of the math used on the job site by real carpenters.
• Create a scale model structure using miniature lumber (included).

So, grab your tool belt and join us as we learn how to think like a carpenter…See you in class!

Innovators Tribe provides powerful curriculum and resources to help identify, encourage, and train student innovators to be a part of a technological society.

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